I have successfully installed Husarnet and joined the same Husarnet network as other Linux devices. Communication via Husarnet is working correctly. My goal is to activate ROS 2 via Husarnet.
I have downloaded husarnet-dds-windows-amd64.exe (11.2 MB, dated July 11, 2023) from the Github link provided in the Husarnet documentation.
On Linux, the following commands are used to set up the environment:
export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_fastrtps_cpp
export FASTRTPS_DEFAULT_PROFILES_FILE=/var/tmp/husarnet-fastdds-simple.xml
husarnet-dds singleshot
However, when I try to set these environment variables manually in Windows, especially RMW_IMPLEMENTATION, ROS 2 stops working completely.
Could you please advise on the best way to activate ROS 2 via Husarnet on Windows 11 so I can communicate normally with other machines?