Communication of two ESP32's via UDP

Hi everyone,

I’m working on a project that is based on two ESP32’s that communicate with each other via UDP. This works as long both ESP’s are in the same network, but now I need to make that work in different networks. I found Husarnet, which seems to be the perfect solution for that, but I can’t find any examples of Husarnet working with UDP. I think the main issue is that I need to send the UDP packages to an broadcast IP, but I just don’t know which one to use here.

Any help is highly appreciated!


We plan to update our esp32 port soon, make sure to follow out community forums, and try again when we will update Husarnet for esp32.

Regards, Filip

Hi Filip!
Thanks for your answer! Great news that there will be an update to the esp32 port! Could you give me an rough estimate about when the update will be published? My problem is that this project is part of my master’s thesis which I need to hand in soon :confused:

ETA for updated version release is 10-20 June 2024

Regards, Filip

Hi Filip! Are there any news about the update?


There it is, new Husarnet version. Keep in mind that is a Beta release, bugs may occur.

Regards, Filip

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