Disable verbosity on Serial1

¿How can I disable verbosity on Serial1?


we’re working on making it easy to change log level from Husarnet library on ESP32.

Stay tuned.


@jflopez. At first, I’m sorry for a late reply and thanks for a reminder in a different forum thread :slight_smile:

For now I have only a workaround solution for that: remapping default Serial to different pins and use Serial1 instead (but remapped to a “standard Serial” pins). Basically like in this project: https://github.com/husarnet/esp32-internet-ota

Husarnet will be available as a library package for a standard release of Arduino core for ESP32, but currently it is based on our own fork https://github.com/husarnet/arduino-esp32 (everything is installed automatically thanks to platformio, so in should not be an issue). During this future release things like log verbosity will be handled in more elegant way. For now I hope this workaround will be fine :slight_smile: