Has anyone successfully installed the Husarnet Client on a mac laptop? I tried following the manual installation instructions, but I’m running into issues unpacking the tar file.
This binary is NOT for Mac. May have to compile from Github.
Hi Ben,
we do not have native Husarnet Client for MacOS yet. Please find all supported platforms (and those on the roadmap) here: https://husarnet.com/docs/#using-husarnet
Husarnet team
Hi Dominik, any update in this regard? Does the client compile on M1 Mac? Happy to build from source and maybe even contribute if you can give me some pointers.
Hello @peredwardsson
Recently I have started porting husarnet-daemon
to macOS.
Happy to build from source and maybe even contribute if you can give me some pointers.
Yeah, simply building from source is unfortunately impossible without at least medium-sized code changes. This is due to fact that Husarnet is relying quite a bit on couple of Linux kernel-specific features (like capability mechanism), not present on MacOS. Therefore, some code must be ported (in similar fashion as we maintain our Windows port).
As a possible workaround/experiment, (depending on your use case), you can use our Docker container under Docker Desktop on MacOS. (the image is on Docker).
Thank you so much for the contribution proposal! You can contribute by alpha-testing MacOS binary. You can drop me an email at szymon.niemiec@husarnet.com so I can send it to you the moment it’s ready, skipping the process of incorporating it to our CI/CD machinery. I estimate I should have it ready by the end of the month.
In the email, please provide MacOS version(s) your machines are using.
Best regards,
Szymon, Husarnet team