Issue with ESP-IDF Library (v0.0.13) and ESP32-C3: "Host is unreachable" Error

Hi everyone,

I’m currently using the ESP-IDF (v0.0.13) library on an ESP32-C3, and I’m encountering the following error:

E (16875) husarnet: websetup UDP send failed: Host is unreachable

I’m having trouble diagnosing the issue and would appreciate any guidance. I’ve confirmed that the device can reach external networks, as I was able to successfully ping Google’s DNS server, so the general connection seems fine.

Could there be something else I’m overlooking? Any suggestions or troubleshooting steps would be much appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

I added logging to track the address the system is attempting to reach:

E (16875) husarnet: addr: FC94:B01D:1803:8DD8:B293:5C7D:7639:932A - Success.

It looks good, probably the part after slash goes somewhere else…?

Hi @Alex :wave:

Try to reproduce issue with Husarnet Library while log output is set on Debug .
You can set this from menuconfig:
Component config > Husarnet > Log level > Debug

If you reproduced your issue please sent us full log to or send DM to me on forum.

Regards, Filip

Hi Filip,

Thank you for your response!

It looks like I found the problem. I messed up with linking and got this strange behavior. It is not related to the lib itself.

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