Make the Web UI public

Hi guys
I remember before in the element setting section there was an option called Make the Web UI public which by activating it could be connected to the web server hosted in husarnet using any device.
But I noticed that this feature was recently removed.
Is there an alternative way to access a web server anywhere, using any device?


right now the recommended way to achieve the same result (but with much more flexibility) is with a sell-hosted proxy server.

There is a nice open source project named Nginx Proxy Manager, and we show how to use it together with Husarnet in this guide:

While having it configured you will be able to share access to webservers hosted on Husarnet devices with your own domains and subdomains created dynamically in a very nice and robust web UI.

I hope you will like this solution.


Thanks for your responsibility
another question
is this manner applicable to web server that host by esp32?


You can use this Nginx Proxy Manager + Husarnet solution also to proxy your web server hosted by ESP32. In case of any issues with it, please let me know.

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