I’ve followed the follwing link steps
and was able to actually ping another laptop from mine using pin6
however when I publish from one device using the mentioned command
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker`
and trying ros2 topic list from the other laptop, the chatter topic is not present
this is a screenshot of the status from the web dashboard
and this is the output of hasurnet status
Version: 2021.11.26.1
Husarnet IP address: fc94:0397:df69:92f5:edad:f4a4:9bf6:f567
Known hostnames: master unity
UDP connection to base: []:5582
Peer fc94:b98f:8430:4a93:5248:dc0b:9e77:75c8
Known hostnames: ros
addresses from base=[]:5582 []:5582 []:5582 []:5582
secure connection established
Peer fc94:b01d:1803:8dd8:b293:5c7d:7639:932a
addresses from base=[]:5582 []:30650 []:5582 []:5582
secure connection established
Am I missing something ?
October 19, 2022, 12:17pm
Hi @SeifMostafa , please share your DDS config file and the compose file you are using.
Instead of a simple DDS Discovery Protocol, you can also try using a Fast DDS Discovery Server. Here’s the open source demo - GitHub - DominikN/discovery-server-superclient-demo: A working demo with a Fast DDS Discovery Server and a Super Client DDS Config.
Thanks for the reply, this is my DDS configuration file
<CycloneDDS xmlns="https://cdds.io/config" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="https://cdds.io/config https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eclipse-cyclonedds/cyclonedds/master/etc/cyclonedds.xsd">
<Domain id="any">
<Peer address="[ros]"/>
<!-- example: <Peer address="[fc94:dd2c:a2e6:d645:1a36:****:****:****]"/> -->
for the peer address, I also tried putting the actual address shown on the web interface for the client ROS
as for the link you attached, I don’t quite understand how to apply that in my case.
however, I noticed that there are 2 configurations one for the server and another for the client, to my understanding Hausrnet already implements the Server side.
October 31, 2022, 3:21pm
Hello @SeifMostafa
Please try removing square brackets in the address attribute.
i.e not
<Peer address="[fc94:dd2c:a2e6:d645:1a36:****:****:****]"/>
But instead
<Peer address="fc94:dd2c:a2e6:d645:1a36:****:****:****"/>
Let us know if that helps.
I have the same issue, removing the bracket did not help. I run the talker on a server and husarnet status shows my laptop with green dots for active/securce/peer to peer, but if I run the talker on the server, I don’t get the topic on the laptop