i try to add ip husarnet into whitelist-interface but meet error:
i also try add ipv4 openvpn, when i check in ifconfig, all that interface have multicast but ros2 seemly dont operated ?
i try to add ip husarnet into whitelist-interface but meet error:
i also try add ipv4 openvpn, when i check in ifconfig, all that interface have multicast but ros2 seemly dont operated ?
Hi @thongtd
Manually-managed whitelist are tedious and error prone.
To solve problem we recommend you to make join from dashboard, and follow our ROS2 guides made by us.
Regards, Filip
i see this tutorial must running on docker. In my case, i use mavlink protocol so i need use router allowlist and local_host_only to filter all mavlink message just showoff my customize msg. => i have to use docker in all my device ?
We support both docker and non-docker setups.
i see example of ddsrouter in docker here: ros-docker/demo/ros2router/basic at main · husarnet/ros-docker · GitHub but cannot find document for non docker setup. my rosversion is humble. can you suply document about non docker ddsrouter pls?
OK i see this now: ROS 2 Router for Remote Robotics and Topic Filtering | Husarnet but i have another question How to add fastdds xml in ros2router
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